And AbangAbu want to share this tip on how to overcome failures is by PICK-UP yourself again. And how to do that ? I am going to use the PICK – UP ….. SO lets PICK UP…….
P – Prepare
First , prepare to bounce back from a failure is to change your perception of that failure. I suggest that you change the word failure to setback. Once you begin to look at your shortcoming as an event that knocked you back instead of one that knocked you down, you’ll begin to see that it is very possible to recover from the letdown. This also helps you acknowledge that bumps in the road are common but they are also manageable.
I – Intention
Intention of the person who would like to recover from a set back is very important.When we get frustrated we tend to generalize our situations and make broad statements that are not necessarily true. Saying “this always happens….” or “ I never….” are detrimental to recovery process because what you are really doing is setting yourself up for another loss. Understanding that the setback that took place is an event that helps you recover quicker. Instead of generalizing your statements prepare yourself for the future by making saying what you want to happen.Put that intention strong in your mind.
C – Clarity
Clarity comes with clear assessment on what goes wrong.Along with your change of perception should come a clarity of the situation. Assessing the damage is looking at what you have lost in the setback and determining how far you have been setback. To most people the feeling of failure usually makes the situation appear worse than it really is. Begin to take a good look at what has been lost and what has remained.
K – Kick Start
Its time to kick start again. Once you’ve gotten a good idea of what has been lost it is time to start picking up the pieces. Collecting and resetting is difficult if you have not yet prepared yourself to move forward. The resetting is not necessarily taking a step back but it is more like readjusting yourself so that you are in a better position to succeed.
U – Unlimited Believe
Unlimited Believe in one self as well in the vision. This believe will make the person work double hard on achieving what they set. Understand that things always be come much easier when you fail once. Keep dreaming and believing while you are taking action.
P- Plan Again
Plan your journey again .An overwhelming majority of life’s failures are not life threatening. This means that life goes on even though you came up short. We sometimes overanalyze our setbacks to the point of making them larger than life. What you have to remember is that there is still a lot of livin’ to do and each second wishing and wondering about things happening differently, is a second wasted. A perspective that the setback that you’ve experienced is temporary helps aide the emotions that are associated with failure. Try to remember that even though you’ve experienced a setback, there are still many more opportunities ahead even if you do not see them right away.
Getting up and getting back out there is the only real way to live. Some of the most successful people in the world credit their success to a failure they’ve experienced. Bounce back from your failure and you might become one of them.
AbangAbu had many set backs in the journey and every time i handle it i become wiser and grow richer in every aspect of my life.
So lets PICK UP again
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